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Monday, January 12, 2009

Drawing Head Turnaround Views in Flash

Creating your character's head from different views can be especially challenging, and in this tutorial, you will learn many different tips and tricks to keep your character looking the same from these different views:

Front view
Side view
3/4 view
Back view

You'll be shown how using guide lines can help you align the features correctly from the front view the to side view. You'll also see how using the onion skinning feature in Flash will help you create a 3/4 view (the view of the head inbetween the front and side views) by drawing inbetween the lines to create a new view. Plus you'll learn just how fast and easy it is to create the back view of the head using the front view as a template!

*Although most of the principles taught in this tutorial can apply easily to drawing on paper, there are a few tips and tricks that are used that are specific to having and using Flash.


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