Mark S. Greenberg - Handbook of Neurosurgery (Sixth Edition)
Thieme Publishing Group | ISBN: 313110886X | 2005-12-01 | PDF | 1029 pages | 273 Mb
Greenberg's classic text returns in a new edition packed with the fundamental science concepts and clinical applications that will guide you through the full range of situations arising in professional practice. Thoroughly cross referenced and indexed, and with thousands of literature citations, this guide makes it easy to locate exactly what you need to know. In addition to updated coverage of the key clinical issues in neurosurgery, this new edition incorporates practice parameters derived from evidence-based medicine, including the management of cervical trauma and current guidelines for lumbar fusion derived from those recently established by the Joint Section of Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves of the AANS and the CNS. With its portable, pocket-sized format, "Handbook of Neurosurgery" is the definitive text to keep at hand for both reference and review.

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