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Friday, December 26, 2008

Wi-Foo: The Secrets of Wireless Hacking

From the Back Cover
The definitive guide to penetrating and defending wireless networks.

Straight from the field, this is the definitive guide to hacking wireless networks. Authored by world-renowned wireless security auditors, this hands-on, practical guide covers everything you need to attack -- or protect -- any wireless network.

The authors introduce the 'battlefield,' exposing today's 'wide open' 802.11 wireless networks and their attackers. One step at a time, you'll master the attacker's entire arsenal of hardware and software tools: crucial knowledge for crackers and auditors alike. Next, you'll learn systematic countermeasures for building hardened wireless 'citadels''including cryptography-based techniques, authentication, wireless VPNs, intrusion detection, and more.

Coverage includes:

* Step-by-step walkthroughs and explanations of typical attacks
* Building wireless hacking/auditing toolkit: detailed recommendations, ranging from discovery tools to chipsets and antennas
* Wardriving: network mapping and site surveying
* Potential weaknesses in current and emerging standards, including 802.11i, PPTP, and IPSec
* Implementing strong, multilayered defenses
* Wireless IDS: why attackers aren't as untraceable as they think
* Wireless hacking and the law: what's legal, what isn't

If you're a hacker or security auditor, this book will get you in. If you're a netadmin, sysadmin, consultant, or home user, it will keep everyone else out.

About the Author
The authors have been active participants in the IT security community for many years and are security testers for leading wireless equipment vendors.

Andrew A. Vladimirov leads the wireless consultancy division at Arhont Ltd, one of the UK's leading security consultants. He was one of the UK's first IT professionals to obtain the coveted CWNA wireless certification.

Konstantin V. Gavrilenko co-founded Arhont Ltd. He has more than 12 years of IT and security experience, and his expertise includes wireless security, fire-walls, cryptography, VPNs, and IDS.

Andrei A. Mikhailovsky has more than a decade of networking and security experience and has contributed extensively to Arhont's security research papers.

# 592 pages
# Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (July 8, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0321202171
# ISBN-13: 978-0321202178



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